
Welcome to fish out of water, a guide through my journey towards financial independence. I'm a college student who is moving out with two of my best friends and paying rent and some of my own bills for the first time. Here you will find my tips on how to save and make some extra cash when you're in need.. I hope this helps you if you are learning to budget, if you're between jobs, or if you're like me and happen to be making minimum wage. Feel free to message me with any questions, or tips of your own.

Thursday, August 9, 2012

Savings and Freebies with Bzzagent and Fresh and Easy Friends Rewards

Hey y'all, 
     I hope you're having a great day! I just wanted to do a quick post to introduce you to a website that I started using about a month ago, Bzzagent! Bzzagent is basically a word of mouth website that allows you to test out new products and programs for free, all you have to do is "spread the Bzz!" I'm currently involved in a BzzCampaign for Fresh and Easy Friends Rewards. You can see what they sent me for this campaign in the video below:

              Since I promised a review here, I'll just say that the food was awesome! For semi-healthy stuff, Fresh and Easy's food is actually pretty affordable and reasonably priced. My best friend/almost roomie Ashley and I ended up picking out a tomato and mozzarella pizza and it was super delicious! The tomatoes and cheese seemed really fresh, and that was nice especially since (before my coupon) it was only a $4 pizza. All we had to do was put the pizza in the oven for about 10 minutes to warm it up. I definitely suggest doing your research on the Friends Rewards program, because if you use it correctly you can rack up some major points. I don't remember if I mentioned it in the video, but while I love their pre-prepared stuff I don't do the bulk of my shopping at Fresh and Easy because the ones in my town are pretty tiny, but if you are near a larger one it could definitely be worth checking out.
As far as Bzzagent, check it out! Lately I've been looking into a few different sampling sites, and as far as I can tell Bzzagent requires the least amount of effort and some pretty great rewards. Like I said in my video, I was a little disappointed in my Fresh and Easy Bzzkit after some of the things I've seen people get for free, but hey, free is free right? I woke up this morning to an invitation for my second campaign for some health conscious candy, so me, my shrinking behind, and my mega sweet tooth are very excited to see what comes in the mail.
                         Are any of y'all Bzzagents? Do you shop at Fresh and Easy? Let me know about all your awesome savings/samples in the comments!

Mark 12:31 The second is this: ‘You shall love your neighbor as yourself.’ There is no other commandment greater than these.”

TwoTip: Share the benefits of being a Bzzagent! Bzzagent makes it really easy to spread the samples and savings, since the purpose of what they do it to get new customers for the companies they represent. As you can see in my vid, I was sent Rewards cards to share with others, and often you get some product sent for yourself and smaller sizes for others. I'm excited to be on the candy campaign because I know the roomies would be super stoked to have some free candy. Nothing wrong with freebies all around:)

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