
Welcome to fish out of water, a guide through my journey towards financial independence. I'm a college student who is moving out with two of my best friends and paying rent and some of my own bills for the first time. Here you will find my tips on how to save and make some extra cash when you're in need.. I hope this helps you if you are learning to budget, if you're between jobs, or if you're like me and happen to be making minimum wage. Feel free to message me with any questions, or tips of your own.

Monday, December 3, 2012

Instagram Diet Challenge! And updates!

Hey y'all! 
I hope everyone is having a wonderful week!
Just wanted to bring you some updates and let you in on a new challenge I'm trying.
Work has been super stressful lately- I haven't had any hours at the new job in the last two weeks,
and I've had really low hours at the theater. 
I adjusted my availability for work so that hopefully some more hours will come my way, but if things don't turn up in the next month or so I will be looking to transfer to a bigger theater in town.
I'm also going to start looking for a different retail job since it doesn't look like CC has the hours to keep anybody after seasonal hours are over.
The good news is that after no sales for about a month, Ebay has been kind to me for the last couple of weeks and I'm hoping to do some good business for my first ever holiday sales season.
In other news, I  had to have a cyst on my cheek drained this week-twice!
Not a fun experience, but it looks like now it's gone for good.
Otherwise, life has been good.
I'm still stocking up on items to donate for the Christmas boxes distributed by St. Agnes Men's Club (the charity my dad helps with).
While in past years there have been 50-75 boxes donated, it looks like this year there will only be 25.
The good news is that with half the boxes, I've been able to find more items that I have in a large enough quantity to donate.
So far I've found enough products in my stockpile to give each bin one Chapstick, one tube of toothpaste, and two bottles of shampoo. 
I'm super excited to see what other sales pop up and find more items to share.

Anywhoo, I just wanted to invite anyone who is reading this to help keep me accountable for my health and fitness by following me on instagram!
One of the number one weight loss tips recommended by those in the fitness industry is keeping a journal of the things you eat-something that I am HORRIBLE at! 
I've tried multiple times to keep a written record of what I'm ingesting, but I always lose track of whatever I'm writing in, or just plain forget to write it down.
I decided that a better and easier way for me to keep track of everything would be simply to take pictures and post them to an instagram account.
I feel like this will be good in a few ways- it's quicker than writing things down, I always have my phone with me (I don't always have a pen and paper), and the idea that people could be seeing exactly what I'm eating will help motivate me to make better choices.

So I'll be posting everything I ingest-food, beverages, and medicine, as well as representations of my workouts and occasional progress photos.
And reviewing them periodically to see if there are any patterns (if I'm taking antacids or pepto after certain foods).
Username: mmermaid93

Twotip: Accountability works on multiple levels- find an accountability partner to help you be a better Christian! (or just a better person!) We all rely on our friends to be there for us, but asking someone to be your accountability partner, or agreeing to be theirs, opens you up to more complete honesty and allows you to let eachother know when the other is slipping up in life, or ask for help when you're stuck in a difficult situation. Be loving when giving advice, but don't be afraid to hold a friend up to high standards- accountability may be the perfect way to help you and a friend be the best you can be!

Sunday, December 2, 2012

Get Cheap (or Free!) Groceries with Kellogg's Family Rewards!

Hey y'all!
Hope everyone is having a great weekend!
It's pretty late right now so I'm gonna make this post a quick one before I hit the hay.
I just wanted to share some crazy good news for lovers of Kellogg's products.
I just learned a couple of days ago that Kellogg's has a rewards site called Kellogg's Family Rewards.
Basically, you buy Kellogg's products that are specially marked with the "Family Rewards" Stamp, and inside are 16 digit codes that you can enter on their site to use towards purchasing Kellogg's branded products, including..... COUPONS!
Not just any coupons, incredibly high value coupons!
There are coupons on the site for $1.50 off of all kinds of products, ranging from cookies to crackers.
The great news is that a lot of these products retail for less than $3.00, and there are some sales coming up that will make them free when you use the coupons.
There is a current limit of 5 of each coupon set for each account, but I'm not sure how often the numbers reset.
Today and tomorrow, the coupons are on sale for 100 points apiece.
To put that into perspective, a box of cheez-its retails at my local grocery store for 2.28,
and comes with 90 points! 
That's almost a $1.50 return on your purchase, and it's pretty easy to find boxes that earn you double points!

Like I said, the coupons are on a huge sale right now, and it appears that they normally retail around 1000 points.
While the regular price may not seem too exciting, keep in mind that for each coupon you purchase you should get at least two prints (I say at least because a glitch let me print 3 of each today).
Even without the sale, it's definitely worth investing a few minutes each time you shop to seek out the specially marked packages and enter the codes online if you are a lover of Kellogg's products.

Now hurry up and go raid your pantries before the sale is over!

God Bless, 

Twotip: Over the holidays when you visit friends and family, tell them about this great rewards program! Raid their pantries and show them any products you find with codes to spread some savings along with your holiday cheer!