I've been crazy busy lately but wanted to shoot you all an update.
I'm still job hunting, couponing, and trying to sneak in some eBaying and exercise edgewise.
Today I FINALLY got my old room at my Dad's cleaned up and organized into a storage space and project studio for my stockpile, crafting, and eBay items.
It's still in desperate need of a good vacuuming and I have some more organizing to do, but it's a huge weight lifted to have the room cleared and have some open space to get things done, especially considering the prior state of my ex-room. (now that I think about it, I wish I had some pics of what it looked like before!)
These are just a few pictures of what the room looks like now, probably not all that exciting to anyone else, but I'm just happy to have it cleaned up:)
The view from the door
My little sewing station and some supply storage
Some of my (incredibly messy!) stockpile, stored in free couponed laundry baskets.
Lots of eBay inventory that will be much easier to clear now that I can see it all clearly.
My old dresser is storing purses and shoes now (along with some stockpile in the drawers:))
My Bass:) I got it for Christmas and hopefully I'll get some more learning done now that the room is clear.
Dry-erase walls
Paintings, finished and unfinished.
I'm looking forward to having the space for new projects, and I'll update you guys soon on my latest savings:)
Have a great week and God Bless!
Mark 12:31 The second is this: ‘You shall love your neighbor as yourself.’ There is no other commandment greater than these.”
TwoTip: Give it up! Like I've said before, in my opinion stockpiling can be a huge waste of valuable and useful products. I watched a video the other day in which a couponer gave a "tour" of the room where she kept her stockpile. It was crazy to me that she talked about how she "didn't have very much"
shampoo when I counted at least 15 bottles, and that she had a separate shelf of items that she felt were too nice to give away. I totally understand that if you find a great deal on something that you use a lot, you may want to keep it for yourself, but I take issue when something that could be useful to someone else is collecting dust in your closet. I get super excited about scoring awesome deals, and sometimes there's a little part of me that wants to cling to free makeup or mouthwash for dear life when I get them free. The reality is though, that while it's nice to have a trophy room of freebies, it's a whole lot nicer to use them for the greater good. Whether that means handing off some shampoo to my roomies or toothpaste to a local charity, it feels great to help someone out, and it is incredibly liberating to feel unattached to all of those material things. If you feel like hanging onto something for a little while at first, that's totally awesome (you earned it!) but make sure that every once in awhile you take an honest look at your stockpile and put to use what's collecting dust.
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